Amazon Exclusive: Seth Godin Reviews Rework
Seth Godin is the author of Linchpin, Tribes, The Dip, Purple Cow, All Marketers Are Liars, and Permission Marketing, as well as other international bestsellers. He is consistently one of the 25 most widely read bloggers in the English language. Read his exclusive Amazon guest review of Rework...
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According to Steven R. Covey, to live with security and wisdom, and to have the power to take advantages of the opportunities that change creates, we need fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity. Quite a tall order when you consider that most of us live our lives in a permanent state of flux, questioning our ideals and values and fighting a daily battle with the lack of self-confidence that stops us from taking risks of any kind....
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Diese Buch bietet unschätzbare Hilfe, den Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu begegnen. Es behandelt wichtige Fragen und Bereiche unseres persönlichen und beruflichen Lebens wie Die eigenen Stärken erkennen und nutzen Kommunikation beruht aufVertrauen Die Würde des anderen achten Ziele setzen und formulieren Konzentration und innere Disziplin Besseres Arbeiten unter Belastung Andere begeistern und dabei glaubwürdig sein Teamarbeit will gelernt...
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According to Steven R. Covey, to live with security and wisdom, and to have the power to take advantages of the opportunities that change creates, we need fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity. Quite a tall order when you consider that most of us live our lives in a permanent state of flux, questioning our ideals and values and fighting a daily battle with the lack of self-confidence that stops us from taking risks of any kind....
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Arguably the best book ever on what is increasingly becoming the science of persuasion. Whether you're a mere consumer or someone weaving the web of persuasion to urge others to buy or vote for your product, this is an essential book for understanding the psychological foundations of marketing. Recommended.
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How to Win Friends and Influence People Available for the first time ever in trade paperback, Dale Carnegie's enduring classic, the inspirational personal development guide that shows how to achieve lifelong success. One of the top-selling books of all time, "How to Win Friends & Influence People" has sold more than 15 million copies in all its editions. Full description
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