The Haunted Bookshop (English Edition)

Buchseite und Rezensionen zu 'The Haunted Bookshop (English Edition)' von Christopher Morley
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Inhaltsangabe zu "The Haunted Bookshop (English Edition)"

When you sell a man a book, says Roger Mifflin, protagonist of these classic bookselling novels, "you don't sell him just twelve ounces of paper and ink and glue you sell him a whole new life." The new life the itinerant bookman delivers to Helen McGill, the narrator of Parnassus on Wheels, provides the romantic comedy that drives the novel. Published in 1917, Morley's first love letter to the traffic in books remains a transporting entertainment. Its sequel, The Haunted Bookshop, finds Mifflin and McGill, now married, ensconced in Brooklyn. The novel's rollicking plot provides ample doses of diversion, while allowing more room for Mifflin (and Morley) to expound on the intricacy of the bookseller's art...

Format:Kindle Edition
Verlag: Jovian Press

Rezensionen zu "The Haunted Bookshop (English Edition)"

  1. An enjoyable read for booklovers

    „That’s why I call this place the Haunted Bookshop. Haunted by the ghosts of the books I haven’t read.” (Original quotation pos. 1251)

    The main protagonists of Parnassus on Wheels, Roger Mifflin and Helen McGill, now are married and own a second-hand bookstore in Brooklyn. Roger Mifflin loves books and he definitely loves the art of bookselling. When Aubrey Gilbert, a young advertising agent visits the shop, he too fells under the spell of the books – and under the spell of Miss Titania Chapman, the new apprentice. Then some strange things happen – a special book Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell, is missing, back the next day and missing again – is this bookstore really haunted?

    Theme and genre:
    This novel, published in 1919 as a sequel to Parnassus on Wheels, again is a story about books, readers, writers and literature. Again, there is also room for romantic, love and not only love for books and a mystic crime.

    Roger and Helen are charming and likeable, as well as Titania and the sometimes a little bit clumsy Aubrey.

    Plot and writing:
    The setting, Brooklyn just after the end of WWI, is described in a very vivid way, which makes this book an enjoyable, interesting read. A humorous authorial narrator tells the story, and the events that happen to our protagonists are unsettling but funny too.

    A book that every booklover will enjoy, but also for readers who like a good story located in a bookstore.